Friday, July 05, 2013

Microsoft positioning itself for the mobile platform

As the battle wages for marketshare in the smart phone market, a battle is being waged for the mindshare of developers, those app innovators that enable the entire ecosystem to work. Microsoft has made a surprise announcement at its builder conference that Bing, known to most as a search engine aiming to compete with Google, is now also a developer platform. 

What this means is that the "appmosphere" will likely become a very interesting place as 3rd party developers begin to churn out apps that will run on windows 8, 8.1 and Xbox. This is great news if you own a Microsoft enabled product or if you operate within the Microsoft ecosystem. 

This is consistent with the changes that most of the established tech companies have been going through as they reorient themselves for the mobile convergence that is taking place. (Like Yahoo, Samsung, Nokia, Blackberry etc)

For more see this link here.

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